Aroma-Vision (scratch-and-sniff) cards for the television premiere of Revenge of the Nerds IV: Nerds in Love (1994). There are 4 cards part of the Fox-O-Rama promotional partnership with 7-Eleven convenience stores; each card features a screen-printed odor.
Laugh 'n Sniff (scratch-and-sniff) card for the special broadcast of My Name is Earl (2007). The card features 6 screen-printed odors sponsored by Oreo, and was released in the April 30-May 6 2007 issue of TV Guide.
Scratch-and-sniff trade advertisement for The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear (1991) intended for video rental stores. The ad features 3 screen printed odors.
Odorama (scratch-and-sniff) card for the special broadcast of Polyester (1981). The card features 10 stickered odors. Unsure which year or where this card was specifically given.
Odorama (scratch-and-sniff) card for the special broadcast of Polyester (1981). The card features 10 stickered odors. Unsure which year or where this card was specifically given.
Booklet from Towa Film presenting Leonardo Bonzi's La Muraglia Cinese (1958), which would later be adapted in the US for Aromarama as Behind the Great Wall (1960).
Booklet on the AromaRama process in Behind the Great Wall (1959). The document includes photos from the film, the list of odors and their descriptions, and some additional texts on the use of smell in the film.
This is the first version I found, which has 6 less pages than the second version I came across.