Scratch-and-sniff card for the 1985 television broadcast of Scent of Mystery (1985). The card features 30 scratch-and-sniff stickers that watchers would place into the booklet.
Aroma-Vision (scratch-and-sniff) cards for the television premiere of Revenge of the Nerds IV: Nerds in Love (1994). There are 4 cards part of the Fox-O-Rama promotional partnership with 7-Eleven convenience stores; each card features a screen-printed odor.
Odorama (scratch-and-sniff) card for the special broadcast of Polyester (1981). The card features 10 stickered odors. Unsure which year or where this card was specifically given.
Odorama (scratch-and-sniff) card for the special broadcast of Polyester (1981). The card features 10 stickered odors. Unsure which year or where this card was specifically given.